Alzheimer's / Dementia Video Library

Videos on Alzheimer's Disease from our comprehensive consumer health video library. Click any title to bring up our video window. If you find that the video window does not come up, please check that your browser has JavaScript enabled and is set to allow pop-up windows.

Diagnosing Alzheimer's Early ImageDiagnosing Alzheimer's Early
Category: Alzheimer's Disease
Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is critical to delaying the effects of the disease. Additonally, the earlier the diagnosis, the more time patients and caregivers have to plan for the future.

Preparing for the Role of Caregiver ImageThe Role of a Caregiver
Category: Alzheimer's Disease
When a frail or chronically ill loved one can no longer care for him or herself the issue confronting families is what to do about care. Learn what you need to think about first.

Linda Dano Speaks Up for Alzheimer's Caregivers ImageSpeaking up for Alzheimer's
Category: Alzheimer's Disease
The father of television personality Linda Dano experienced years of mental deterioration before he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Hear Linda describe how her family coped.

Early Alzheimer's Disease: Slowing the Decline with Medicine ImageTreating Alzheimer's Early
Category: Alzheimer's Disease
People with early Alzheimer's disease know that the condition gets progressively worse over time. Learn how some medications help to stabilize symptoms and slow this steady decline.

Life with Alzheimer's Disease
Category: Alzheimer's Disease
Allen Willner was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease early in the disease process. With medication and the care of his wife, he's slowing the progression of symptoms.

Memory and Alzheimer's
Category: Alzheimer's Disease
People with early-stage Alzheimer's disease know that they will have trouble remembering things. But there are a variety of techniques that can help them cope.

Treating Alzheimer's
Category: Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease, a slowly progressive disease of the brain, is the fourth leading cause of death among Americans over the age of 65. Although there is no cure, there are medical treatments available that can help control the progression of symptoms. By managing the illness, these treatments can greatly benefit patients and caregivers alike. Join our panel of experts as they discuss the state of the art in Alzheimer's treatment.

Caregiver Stress
Category: Alzheimer's Disease
It's difficult to watch a loved one suffer from Alzheimer's and caring for them can be an intense challenge. Our panel of experts will address the pressures that come with this responsibility and discuss strategies for coping with them.

Causes of Alzheimer's
Category: Alzheimer's Disease
While the causes of Alzheimer's are still uncertain, many experts believe the key lies in understanding plaques and tangles, lesions and knots of nerve cell fibers in the brain that are sure indicators of Alzheimer's disease. Join our panel of experts as they discuss current research and theories.

Alzheimer's: The Long Goodbye
Category: Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease is a common, but often misunderstood condition. Forgetfulness is just one small symptom of a larger, more complicated disease that affects memory, thinking, behavior, and emotion. Join our panel of experts as they discuss how Alzheimer's disease affects the brain and body.