Clinical Case Studies: Migraine Headaches

Drs. Stephen Peroutka and Curtis P. Schreiber

Identify dietary triggers for headache in frequent migraineurs; Advise patients about dietary guidelines for avoiding migraine attacks; Describe the characteristics of complicated migraine and how it differs from standard migraine and how it differs from standard migraine; Diagnosis complicated migraine variants, including retinal migraine, ophthalmoplegic migraine, hemiplegic migraine, and basilar-type migraine; and Treat complication migraine and identify patients needing referral to a neurologist.

Headache: Management Guidelines

Drs. Christy M. Jackson and Esther Sternberg

Identify primary non-migrainous disorders that can complicate headache diagnosis; Review clinical characteristics of migraine headache; Explore the relationship between migraine and a woman’s hormonal cycle; Assess various pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic options for managing migraine; and Manage rebound headache and migraine during pregnancy.

Neurologic Quandaries

Drs. Frederick R. Taylor abd Walter A. Hall

Identify and reduce triggers of migraine; Select effective medications for treatment of migraine; Counsel patients on behavioral strategies to prevent migraine; Distinguish types and severity of brain tumors; and Choose effective drug therapy and appropriate route for treatment of brain tumors.