Drs Sam Torbati and Sam Burkhardt
Describe procedural sedation; Evaluate a patient prior to procedural sedation; List the advantages and disadvantages of pharmacologic agents used in procedural sedation; Describe the noninvasive methods for diagnosis if respiratory depression in patients taking opiates to control pain; and Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different intravenous (IV) and oral opioid agents used for pain reduction.
FAMILY PRACTICE: Pain Management
Dr Gina Mohr
Recognize barriers to pain management; Discuss over-the-counter medications and their side effects; Evaluate properties of opioids to prescribe the best treatment; Use the equianalgesic table to calculate opioid conversions; and Prevent and treat side effects of opioids.
FAMILY PRACTICE: Patients in Pain
Drs. Elliott B. Sterenfeld, Steven N. Berney, and William R. Vollmar
Perform a rational clinical evaluation for patients complaining of back pain; Offer reasonable treatment options for back patients, and know when to refer patients; Workup the patient suspected of having fibromyalgia; Consider options for treating patients with fibromyalgia; and Evaluate and treat patients with hip and pelvic pain due to trauma.