Clinical Case Review: Sleep Disordered Breathing: A Danger to Health and Safety

Drs. David Claman, Samuel T. Kuna, and Allan I. Pack

Define OHS and OSA and the spectrum of conditions associated with them; Choose among treatment options such as weight loss, continuous airway pressure (CPAP), and bi-level positive airway pressure for patients with sleep-related breathing disorders; Recognize the associations between OSA and cardiovascular disease, and evaluate the effects of treatment on cardiac disorders; Review data on the connection between motor vehicle accidents and OSA, especially in commercial drivers; and Report on guidelines for and medicolegal implications of OSA in commercial drivers. 

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Management Perspective

Drs. Vishesh K. Kapur and David Tunkel

Review conservative therapies for OSA; Explain the difference between efficacy and effectiveness as it relates to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), dental appliances, and surgical treatment of OSA; Describe the use of uvulopalatopharyngoplasty and surgery of the nose in the management of OSA; Discuss the role of sleep studies in the diagnosis and management of OSA in children; and Summarize adenotonsillectomy as a treatment of OSA in children, including anesthetic cares, perioperative respiratory compromise, and the postoperative period.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea/ Sinusitis

Michael D. Poole

Recognize clinical and polysomnographic findings suggestive of pediatric OSA; Describe to continuum of sleep-disordered breathing in children and associated sequelae; Choose appropriate therapy for managing OSA; Identify signs and symptoms of sinusitis in children; and Evaluate treatment options for managing sinusitis.