Endocrine system and clinic issues:

1. Diabetes

2. Thyroid diseases

3. Pituitary tumor and disorder

4. adrenal gland tumor and disorder

5. Testis

6. Ovary

7. Bone

8. Other


Osteoporosis Screening :
Osteoporosis, a common bone disease, is an area of particular expertise at the Yale Bone Center. Measuring your bone density is recommended to determine your risk for this condition. The Yale Bone Center offers a screening program for this purpose and provides your doctor with a complete report that includes information about your individual risk factors for bone loss.


Building and keeping healthy bones. Bone is a living tissue. It is not simply an "erector set" that keeps us upright but must renew itself throughout life. Bone health at any age requires a healthy lifestyle, a well balanced diet with plenty of calcium and regular exercise. These factors are important in childhood and adolescence to achieve the strongest bones possible and for maintaining bone health in adulthood. Although normal levels of sex hormones are important throughout life, the decision about hormone replacement therapy is especially important at the time of the menopause in women. Hormones are not right for everyone and other treatments to protect your bones are now available.

Bone Density and bone health. "Healthy bones" mean, strong bones. Bone strength is determined by measuring its density. Density testing, or densitometry, allows us to precisely determine how strong your bones are. Dual energy x-ray densitometry (DEXA) is the best densitometry method. It takes only minutes and can measure bone mass in the spine, hip, and wrist. You simply lie on a table and a scan beam passes over you. It uses much less radiation than a chest x-ray.

Osteopenia and Osteoporosis. We now know that the lower your bone density the greater the risk of fracture. This risk is determined by comparing your bone mass to healthy young adults of the same sex. The World Health Organization has established diagnostic criteria for osteopenia and osteoporosis based on bone density measurements. Osteopenia means a somewhat reduced bone density. When a person's bone density is lower than the density in 98% of young adults, a diagnosis of osteoporosis is established. If fractures are also present, you have severe osteoporosis.