Eye melanoma
From MayoClinic.com Special to CNN.com



You may associate melanoma with skin cancer and the growth or spread of moles on the surface of your skin. However, melanoma doesn't occur just on your skin. It can also occur in your eyes and, rarely, in internal organs.

Melanoma develops in the cells that produce melanin — the pigment that gives your skin its color. Your eyes also have melanin-producing cells. Eye melanoma most commonly develops in the uvea, the vascular layer of your eye sandwiched between the retina and the white of the eye (sclera). Also called ocular melanoma, eye melanoma can occur in the front part of the uvea (iris and ciliary body) or in the back part of the uvea (choroid layer).

Melanoma that originates in your eye is termed a primary eye cancer. Eye melanoma is the most common type of primary eye cancer in adults, but it's rare. If the melanoma begins elsewhere and then spreads to your eye, it's called a secondary eye cancer; this also is rare.

Treatment is available for eye melanoma. The earlier it's detected, the better your chance for successful treatment. Getting regular eye exams can help detect eye melanoma at an earlier stage.


Signs and symptoms


You may experience no symptoms at all for melanoma of the eye. On the other hand, eye melanomas may cause light flashes, blurring or a dark spot in your vision.

What to watch for

Melanomas in the back portion of the eye usually are detected only during eye exams.




The exact cause of eye melanoma isn't known; however, it's not typically inherited. In recent years, scientists have developed a better understanding about the role that DNA plays in causing cells to become cancerous. DNA instructs the behavior of cells and therefore influences the risk of developing certain diseases, including some cancers.

Genetics can play a role
Some genes have the instructions for how cells should grow and divide. Defects (mutations) in DNA can cause these genes to malfunction, sometimes resulting in cancer. Sometimes these mutations are inherited, but usually they are acquired during life.

Definitive reasons about why these changes occur in some people, how the changes occur, and how the changes cause or promote the development of cancer are still not understood.


Risk factors


Risk factors for primary melanoma of the eye include:

Sun exposure
Although excessive exposure to sunlight has been proposed as a possible risk factor for melanoma of the eye, it has never been proved.


When to seek medical advice


Some types of eye melanomas can be detected only by a doctor, so it's a good idea to have regular, routine eye examinations. Because this type of cancer is rare, there's no screening test other than an eye examination.

If you find a dark spot on your iris that is enlarging, have a doctor examine it. Many doctors believe that skin and eye melanomas start from a mole (nevus), which is a noncancerous tumor of pigment cells. If you have a nevus or a freckle in your eye, have it checked regularly by an eye doctor.


Screening and diagnosis


Having a regular examination of your eyes by a doctor specializing in diseases of the eye (ophthalmologist) is the first and most important step in early detection and diagnosis of eye melanoma.

Your doctor will examine the outside of your eye, looking for enlarged blood vessels that can indicate a tumor inside your eye. Then, with the help of instruments, your doctor will look inside your eye. One method, called ophthalmoscopy, uses lenses and a bright light mounted on your doctor's forehead — a bit like a miner's lamp. Another method, called slit-lamp biomicroscopy, uses a microscope that produces an intense beam or line of light to illuminate the interior of your eye.

In most cases, looking inside your eye alone will be enough to detect and diagnose any tumors or other abnormalities.

Further evaluation of suspected melanoma
If your doctor suspects you may have eye melanoma, you may undergo one of a number of imaging tests:

Determining further spread of the cancer
Your doctor may also recommend additional diagnostic procedures to determine whether the cancer has spread (metastasized) to other parts of your body. Eye melanoma can spread through your bloodstream. The liver and lungs are the organs most often affected. Tests may include:

Tissue sample
If your doctor isn't sure whether a tumor is a melanoma, he or she may obtain a tissue sample (biopsy). This is usually done by placing a small needle into your eye and removing a sample of tumor cells. These cells are then evaluated in the laboratory. However, doctors usually can make a confident diagnosis of eye melanoma using methods other than biopsy.




After eye melanoma is diagnosed, you and your doctor will review your treatment options. Factors to be considered are the location and size of the melanoma, as well as your overall physical health.

Melanomas of the eye are rare, so it's a good idea to find a doctor with experience in treating these cancers. In addition, a second opinion can provide more information and help you feel more confident about your treatment plan.

Sometimes, doctors suggest observing a small lesion rather than treating it right away. But your doctor will generally recommend treatment for a medium-sized or large-sized melanoma.

Treatment designed to destroy a melanoma often will cause some loss of vision, even though every effort is made to preserve vision. But because cancers of the eye can be fatal, in some cases you'll need treatment even if it means loss of vision or loss of your eye.

Surgery is the foundation for most cancer treatments. If an eye melanoma is of a certain size and in a favorable location, treatment can sometimes be accomplished with surgery alone. Treatment for other eye melanomas may be done with radiation alone, or radiation combined with a therapy such as infrared laser.

Depending on the characteristics of the tumor, your doctor may choose from a variety of surgical procedures to remove the melanoma:

Radiation therapy
Carefully targeted and regulated doses of high-energy radiation — radiation therapy — can destroy ocular melanoma and be lifesaving.

Radiation therapy damages cells by destroying the genetic material that controls how cells grow and divide. And although both healthy and cancerous cells are damaged by radiation, the goal of treatment is to hurt as few normal, healthy cells as possible.

Doctors generally reserve radiation treatment for eye melanomas to medium-sized and large-sized melanomas. The radiation dose can be delivered with charged particles such as proton beams, which are generated from outside of your body and directed into your eye ( teletherapy ). Or, the radiation can come from small radioactive seeds that are temporarily anchored to your eye ( brachytherapy ).

In brachytherapy, a small implant (plaque) similar to a bottle cap and containing several radioactive seeds (usually iodine-125 seeds) is sutured to the wall of your eye at a site overlying the tumor. The plaque remains in place for several days until it has delivered an optimal amount of radiation for the characteristics of your tumor. The device is then removed, and your doctor will monitor the tumor at regular intervals to watch for tumor shrinkage.

Small eye melanomas
There has been a recent trend toward treating small eye melanomas with either radiation therapy or transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT) — a type of infrared laser therapy — or both. Destroying the cancerous tissue by freezing it (cryotherapy) also has been used for some small eye melanomas.




A clear association between sunlight and melanomas of the skin has been established. This same association has not been established for melanomas of the eye.


Coping skills


Eye melanoma may result in partial or complete loss of vision and, in some cases, removal of the eye (enucleation). Although these outcomes are traumatic, you can overcome them with the support of friends and family, adequate time to heal and adjust, and modern technology.

If your cancer treatment leaves you with vision in only one eye (monocular vision), it's still possible to do practically everything you were able to do with two working eyes. But you'll need to make adjustments, primarily regarding your ability to judge distance, and it may be more difficult to be aware of things around you, especially things occurring on the side without vision.

If your eye must be removed, it will be replaced by a round implant and then covered by your own tissue. Your eye muscles will be attached to the implant so that the implant will move.

After several weeks, an artificial eye (prosthesis) is made. The front surface of your new eye will be custom-painted to match your existing eye, and the back surface will be custom-molded so it fits comfortably. Motion from the implant is transferred through the healed tissue to the prosthetic eye, in most cases providing a satisfactory cosmetic appearance.

You'll be able to sleep with this new eye, but you'll have to remove it occasionally for cleaning. In most cases, these artificial eyes last for decades.


June 07, 2006