Clinical Training Course: Assessment and Management of Heart Failure: Case Presentation

Drs. Clyde W. Yancy, Kathleen H. Greenberg, and John Chin

Treat risk factors to prevent the development dysfunction and heart failure (HF); Assess severity of HF and prevent it progression; Implement evidence-based medical therapy for patients with HF; Monitor treatment responses and adverse effects of medical therapy; and Educate patients about lifestyle changes, therapeutic goals, and potential adverse effects of medical therapy.

Clinical Training Course: Heart Failure/ Practice Changes

Drs. Daniel B. Friedman and Frank J. Domino

Describe medication options for HF; Discuss benefits of electrical devices for patients with heart disease; Counsel parents and patients about gun safety, diet modification, and vitamins D supplementation; Orders laboratory testing judiciously, based on prestest probability; and Advise patients with type 2 diabetes about interventions for improved outcomes.