2009 Accreditation Requirements Chapters: Pre-Publication Preview
Chapters now Includes scoring categories and setting-specific applicability! (8/14/08) - New

Click on the accreditation program links below to download the new requirements chapters.

The Joint Commission reserves all its copyright protections to these posted 2009 standards.  In particular, without limiting its other rights, The Joint Commission absolutely prohibits the seizing of these standards for inclusion in products for sale, unless the seller has specific written permission from The Joint Commission to do so.

Standards Improvement Initiative Timetable

The timetable for the release of the new standards, manuals and scoring information follows:

* For Phase 2 programs (behavioral health, laboratory, long term care), some changes and features will be available in the 2010 manuals and E-ditions since SII improvements are still occurring during 2009.

Standards Improvement Initiative - PowerPoint Presentation - Updated July