5,000 Medical Leaders Report Latest Advancements in Biomedical Technologies; Breakthroughs by 2015 Predicted for Alzheimer's, Heart Disease, Cancer, and Diabetes

A record-setting 5,000 delegates and corporate leaders from 70 nations participated in the world's premier scientific conference on topics relating to medical interventions to prevent and treat the diseases and disabilities associated with the biological process of aging. The Winter 2008 Session of the 16th Annual International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine & Regenerative Biomedical Technologies convened the world's most innovative physicians, scientists, health practitioners, industry leaders, and international government officials who engaged in scientific exchanges on the most promising aspects of scientific advancements in advanced preventive healthcare. More than 120 physician and scientist speakers, many of whom are world-renowned in their area of specialization, spoke on a broad array of topics in aging intervention, including breakthrough advancements for Alzheimer's Disease, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.


Las Vegas NV (PRWEB) December 23, 2008 -- A record-setting 5,000 delegates and corporate leaders from 70 nations participated in the world's premier scientific conference on topics relating to medical interventions to prevent and treat the diseases and disabilities associated with the biological process of aging. Co-sponsored by The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M; www.worldhealth.net) and The World Anti-Aging Academy of Medicine (www.waaam.net), the world's largest professional medical societies dedicated to advancing research and clinical pursuits that enhance the quality, and extend the quantity, of the human lifespan, the Winter 2008 Session of the 16th Annual International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine & Regenerative Biomedical Technologies took place December 11-14, 2008 at The Venetian Resort Hotel Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada USA.

The Winter 2008 Session of the 16th Annual International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine & Regenerative Biomedical Technologies opened to a standing-room only audience. Ronald Klatz, MD, DO, A4M President), and Robert Goldman, MD, PhD, DO, FAASP, A4M Chairman), welcomed 5,000 delegates to Winter 2008 Session of the 16th Annual International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine & Regenerative Biomedical Technologies.

More than 120 physician and scientist speakers, many of whom are world-renowned in their area of specialization, spoke on a broad array of topics in aging intervention, presenting the latest breakthroughs in advanced preventive medicine and emerging biomedical technologies, heralding promising near-term breakthroughs in Alzheimer's Disease, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes:

Joseph Maroon, MD, Professor and Director of Neurosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh-Presbyterian University Hospital, presented "The Longevity Factor: How Red Wine and Resveratrol Can Unlock the Genetic Secrets to as Longer and Healthier Life," sharing the results of the first-ever human clinical trials of this polyphenol for memory improvement and exercise endurance.


 Abraham Morgentaler, MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Urology at Harvard Medical School, discussed "Testosterone Therapy in Men: The Next Big Thing in Medicine," and presented case studies documenting the multi-beneficial role of testosterone replacement therapy in aging men.

Daniel G. Amen, MD, clinical neuroscientist, psychiatrist and founder of the Amen Clinics, shared the latest evidence to maintain a "Magnificent Mind at Any Age: Natural Ways to Balance Your Brain and Improve Everything In Your Life."

Christopher Centeno, MD, a physician located in the Boulder, Colorado area, presented data on "Stem Cell Therapeutics for Tissue Regeneration," outlining the use of mesenchymal stem cells for musculoskeletal repair.


Selvaraj Y. Subramaniam, MD, an anti-aging and sports medicine physician from Malaysia, spoke on "Fish Oil: Omega-3 Anti-Inflammatory," offering a nutritional model to combat systemic inflammation.


 Bogdan Dimitrie Niculae, MD, President of the Organizing Committee for the Romanian Anti-Aging International Congress, shared insights on "Dermatology Laser Techniques" to yield optimal aesthetic results.


Mark Hyman, MD, faculty member of the Institute for Functional Medicine, presented "The UltraMind Solution," and explained how nutrition and biology influence mood, behavior, attention and memory.

Mark Gordon, MD, Associate Clinical Professor at University of Southern California and University of California-Los Angeles, provided the latest findings on "Alzheimer's Disease: A Hormonal Approach to Treatment." Over 1,000 participants to-date have enrolled in The Fellowship in Anti-Aging Regenerative & Functional Medicine. The program is an integral way in which physicians, health practitioners, and research scientists attain competency by intensive in-session seminar learning taught by two dozen of the pre-eminent experts in anti-aging, regenerative, and functional medicine. At this conference, 72 physicians and health practitioners graduated from the elite Fellowship in Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine program and were acknowledged for their successful completion of the program during the Fellowship Pinning and Diploma Presentation Ceremony.


In addition, The Aesthetic Anti-Aging Fellowship introduces an innovative way to learn and receive hands-on training in Aesthetic procedures from experts in the field. The Aesthetic Anti-Aging Fellowship features six multi-day modules on non-invasive and minimally invasive aesthetic procedures.

At the co-located Las Vegas Anti-Aging Exposition, over 500 corporate booths displayed the latest technologies from the medical and biotech market aimed at improving and/or extending the human lifespan. The anti-aging industry is presently valued at US$ 96.89 Billion. With a compounded annual growth rate of 8.78%, the anti-aging industry is projected to reach US$ 115.5 Billion by 2010. [Global Industry Analysts, Inc., March 2008.


The A4M continues to advance a new paradigm of proactive interventions for dysfunctions, disorders, disabilities, and diseases led by advanced biomedical technologies that usher in unprecedented innovations in preventive medicine. As such, the A4M convenes the largest event of its kind in the arena of clinical advancements to prolong the healthy human lifespan: The Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging & Regenerative Biomedical Technologies convenes the world's most innovative physicians, scientists, health practitioners, industry leaders, and international government officials. During the organization's sixteen-year history, the A4M has embraced the vast potential benefits of some of the most promising aspects of scientific advancements in progressive preventive healthcare, many of which were highlighted at the Winter 2008 Session of the 16th Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies.


Observes Ronald Klatz, M.D., D.O., A4M President: "This scientific program drew a record-setting attendance of 5,000 physicians, scientists, health practitioners, industry leaders, and international government officials. For 70% of the conference's delegates, this was their first ever attendance of an anti-aging scientific conference. These numbers clearly demonstrate the continued and undeniable growth of the anti-aging medical movement." Adds Robert Goldman, M.D., Ph.D., D.O., FAASP: "With more than 70 countries represented, the Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies is the largest event of its kind in the arena of human longevity and it is renowned around the world for the high caliber of speakers, delegates, and international government officials in attendance."

The Spring 2009 Session of the 17th Annual International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine & Regenerative Biomedical Technologies takes place 23-25 April 2009 at The Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center, Orlando, Florida USA. For program details, visit www.worldhealth.net/event.


The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, Inc. ("A4M") is a non-profit medical society dedicated to the advancement of technology to detect, prevent, and treat aging related disease and to promote research into methods to retard and optimize the human aging process. A4M is also dedicated to educating physicians, scientists, and members of the public on biomedical sciences, breaking technologies, and anti-aging issues. A4M believes that the disabilities associated with normal aging are caused by physiological dysfunction which in many cases are ameliorable to medical treatment, such that the human lifespan can be increased, and the quality of one's life enhanced as one grows chronologically older. A4M seeks to disseminate information concerning innovative science and research as well as treatment modalities designed to prolong the human lifespan. Anti-Aging Medicine is based on the scientific principles of responsible medical care consistent with those of other healthcare specialties. Although A4M seeks to disseminate information on many types of medical treatments, it does not promote or endorse any specific treatment nor does it sell or endorse any commercial product.