Maryland Preparedness Effort Gets High Mark from CDC


Governor Martin O'Malley today announced that Maryland's Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Plan received a high mark from the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The plan, developed by staff within the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH), received a score of 93 out of a possible 100, up considerably from its previous score of 67 received in 2007.

"This score represents a marked improvement and shows Maryland's commitment to make government work," Governor O'Malley said. "The dedication and commitment put forth by Secretary John Colmers and Sherry Adams, director of the DHMH Office of Preparedness and Response, have put Maryland in a much better position to respond to emergencies."
All states are required by the CDC to have effective written SNS plans. These plans detail how the state receives, stores and distributes certain prescription medications. These drugs would be used in an emergency medical situations brought about by natural or man-made occurrences.
"This is a significant achievement and represents an important milestone in our effort to ensure that our state is a prepared state," Secretary Colmers said. "I am pleased that CDC recognizes the hard work put into this revised plan by staff in our Office of Preparedness and Response, and our partners."
The DHMH Office of Preparedness and Response drafted Maryland's initial plan in 2002 and revised it in April of this year it to include new guidelines, procedures, templates and other materials. Maryland's local health departments, along with many other state, local and regional preparedness and response agencies contributed to the project.
CDC officials visited DHMH in August to conduct the comprehensive review of Maryland's SNS plan.