Soft tissue sarcoma
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"Sarcoma" comes from a Greek word meaning "fleshy growth." Soft tissue sarcomas are cancerous (malignant) tumors that originate in the soft tissues of your body. Soft tissues connect, support and surround other body structures. The soft tissues include muscle, fat, blood vessels, nerves, tendons and the lining of your joints (synovial tissues). A large variety of soft tissue sarcomas can occur in these areas.

Soft tissue sarcomas aren't common. They occur slightly more often in men than in women, and they sometimes occur in children and adolescents.

Although there are various types of soft tissue sarcoma, they generally share similar characteristics, produce similar symptoms and are treated similarly — with surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy, or with a combination.


Signs and symptoms


Soft tissue sarcomas can occur anywhere in your body, but the largest number — about half — occur in the arms, legs, hands or feet. Another 40 percent occur in the trunk, which includes the chest, back, hips, shoulders and abdomen. About 10 percent are found in the head and neck. Soft tissue sarcomas usually produce no signs and symptoms in their early stages. As the tumor grows, it may produce a lump or swelling. Later it may cause pain if it presses on nerves or muscles. If the tumor is located in the abdomen, it may cause blockage or bleeding of the stomach or intestines.




Soft tissue sarcomas go by a variety of names, depending on the tissue in which they originate. Locations of sarcomas and their names include:

Possible causes
In general, no one knows for certain what causes most soft tissue sarcomas. Known causes include asbestos for most cases of mesothelioma, and viruses for Kaposi's sarcoma in people with defective immune systems.

In a few cases, sarcomas may be hereditary, such as in:

Radiation is occasionally associated with sarcomas. These have usually occurred as a side effect of radiation therapy given for other cancers, such as breast cancer or lymphoma. But radiation therapy is becoming more and more sophisticated, which may lead to fewer of such side effects. For example, doctors today are better able to regulate doses of radiation and precisely target the tumor being treated.

Other factors that may lead to increased risk of soft tissue sarcomas, but have not been proved, are exposure to high doses of chemicals such as:


When to seek medical advice


Talk to your doctor if you develop a lump that persists or if you have signs or symptoms that may indicate a soft tissue sarcoma, such as worsening abdominal pain or blood in your stool. Some soft tissue tumors are noncancerous (benign). However, the only way to determine whether a tumor is cancerous or not is for a doctor to examine a sample of the tissue.


Screening and diagnosis


If your doctor suspects you have sarcoma, he or she will take a medical history and perform a physical exam. Although your doctor may be able to feel the presence of a mass or a lump (tumor), determining whether the tumor is malignant requires removal of a sample of tissue (biopsy) from the tumor for examination. If your doctor suspects you have soft tissue sarcoma, ask for a referral to a cancer doctor (oncologist) who specializes in sarcomas before the biopsy is performed. Soft tissue sarcoma is fairly rare and is best addressed by someone who has experience with it.

Techniques for removing a sample of a suspected soft tissue sarcoma include:

Imaging tests, such as X-rays, computerized tomography (CT) scans, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET), also may be done to enable your doctor to see and evaluate the area of concern.

Grading and staging
Besides determining whether the tissue is cancerous, examining tissue can determine how aggressive the cancer is (its grade). Further testing, such as with imaging scans and blood tests, can help determine if the cancer has spread and how far (its stage).

Soft tissue sarcomas, like many cancers, are staged according to a system developed by the American Joint Committee on Cancer. With soft tissue cancers, the oncologist looks at tumor size and location, its spread to lymph nodes, its spread to distant organs and its grade — how much the tumor looks like normal tissue, which indicates how quickly it's growing — to determine whether the cancer is stage IA, representing tumors that are small and haven't spread, through IVB, which represents cancer that has spread to other parts of the body.

Survival is based on a number of factors, including the type of cancer, at what stage the cancer was discovered and where the tumor is located. Generally, sarcomas of the arms and legs have a better outcome than do other sarcomas. If the tumor is very small and localized, the five-year survival rate is around 90 percent. If the cancer has begun to spread, however, survival becomes more difficult.




With soft tissue sarcomas, tumors can grow large, press on normal tissue and cause soreness or pain. If the cancer spreads to other organs, complications include dysfunction of the affected organ, such as shortness of breath if it spreads to your lungs.




As with other cancers, treatment for sarcomas depends on the size, type, location and stage of the sarcoma, including whether it has spread to the lymph nodes or other parts of your body, and your overall health.

Surgery is the most common treatment for soft tissue sarcomas, especially if cancer cells haven't spread to other parts of the body. Surgery generally involves removing the cancer and a rim of healthy tissue surrounding it. If the only area the cancer has spread to is the lungs, surgical removal of the primary and secondary tumors may be possible.

In the past, amputation was common for soft tissue sarcomas in an arm or leg. Today, advances in surgical techniques and chemotherapy before surgery (neoadjuvant chemotherapy) or after surgery (adjuvant chemotherapy) and radiation therapy make limb-sparing surgery possible in most cases. However, amputation may be necessary to remove all the cancer from soft tissue sarcoma in an arm or leg that has invaded nerves, arteries or muscles.

Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy — also called radiotherapy or X-ray therapy — involves treating cancer with beams of high-energy particles, or waves (radiation), such as gamma rays or X-rays. Although radiation can affect healthy cells as well as cancer cells, it's much more harmful to cancer cells because cancer cells divide more rapidly than most healthy cells do. Cells are more vulnerable to damage when they're dividing, making cancer cells more susceptible to radiation than normal cells are. In addition, normal cells can recover from the effects of radiation more easily than cancer cells can.

Many people with cancer undergo some type of radiation therapy. Your doctor may suggest using radiation therapy at different times during your cancer treatment and for different reasons, such as before surgery to shrink a cancerous tumor or after surgery to stop the growth of any remaining cancer cells. In addition, doctors sometimes use radiation therapy to shrink tumors to decrease the pressure, pain or other symptoms they may cause.

Chemotherapy uses medications to kill rapidly dividing cells. These cells include cancer cells, which continuously divide to form more cells, and healthy cells that divide quickly, such as those in your bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system and hair follicles. Healthy cells usually recover shortly after chemotherapy is complete — so, for example, your hair soon starts growing again.

Unlike radiation therapy, which treats only the part of your body exposed to the radiation, chemotherapy treats your body as a whole (systemically). As a result, it treats cells that may have escaped from where the cancer originated.

Depending on the type of cancer you have and whether it has spread, your doctor may use chemotherapy to:

In some cases, chemotherapy may be the only treatment you need. More often, doctors use chemotherapy in conjunction with other treatments, such as surgery or radiation, to improve results.

In addition to chemotherapy, some drugs inhibit certain enzymes that are critical to the development and growth of a tumor. One of these new drugs, imatinib (Gleevec), is used to treat a type of sarcoma called gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Other types of cancer-fighting drugs are being explored in ongoing clinical trials.


Coping skills


A diagnosis of cancer, whether yours or your child's, presents big challenges. Remember that no matter what your concerns or the prognosis, there are resources and strategies that may make dealing with cancer easier. Here are some suggestions for coping:


September 15, 2005