Clinical Reivew: Topics in Breast Cancer

Drs. William T. Creasman and Marie E. Wood

Counsel patients about the use of estrogen and the risk of developing breast cancer; Analyze data from the WHI about the association between estrogen and breast cancer risk; Discuss the data on exercise and hormone replacement therapy in the prevention of breast cancer; Identify women at risk for breast cancer and formulate an assessment plan; and Discuss prevention options for women at risk for breast cancer.

Clinical Case Studies: Advances in Breast Cancer

Drs. Megan Baker Ruppel, Merrick I. Ross, and Kelly M. McMasters

Discuss the use of whole breast irradiation (compared to partial breast irradiation) in the treatment of breast cancer; Describe the delivery methods used in partial breast irradiation; Explain prognostic and predictive markers for breast cancer; Discuss historical and current data on adjunctive therapy in the treatment of breast cancer; and Describe diagnosis, treatment options, and classification of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).