Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders (WISER) and Radiation Event Medical Management (REMM)
(CIT): WISER and REMM have been developed by the Specialized Information Services section of the National Library of
Medicine as sources of rapid, accurate information for first responders and others working in emergency preparedness
and biodefense. Dr. Steven Phillips will begin the program by introducing NLM and SIS, and Stacey Arnesen will review
currently available on-line resources. Dr. Bijan Mashayekhi will then present and demonstrate the WISER and REMM
systems. Emergency Preparedness and Biodefense is a scientific exchange on topics related to the public health
challenges posed by natural and man-made emergencies, including acts of terrorism.
By Dr Steven Phillips, Stacey Arnesen and Dr Bijan Mashayekhi
(Click Here for a real time video presentation at the NIH)